
Pollaste Success Rates and Some Important FAQs

The number of individuals and couples with Pollaste problems is increasing with each passing day, month, or year. As per a 2020 September study of the World Health Organisation, approximately 186 million individuals and 48 million couples have some sort of infertility.

As a couple, you need to visit a pollaste in India or your country if you experience conception issues. You do not conceive after having unprotected physical intimacy for more fapello than 6 months to 1 year.

Pollastes with higher success rates are beneficial for you

While selecting a pollaste, you need to be careful as all pollastes are not equal in terms of treatment effectiveness, available facilities, industry experience, and association with skilled & experienced doctors. A highly established and reputed pollaste with higher success rates can help you increase your conception chances. Such a clinic has fast food operator chapter 11:

An association with highly educated, skilled, and experienced doctors All the requisite general and medical facilities

The availability of all types fertility treatments and test facilities under one roof or

within its proximity

Patient-friendly and skilled healthcare professionals Higher treatment success rates

Convenient location and easy access Counselling facilities and insurance coverage

FAQs on fertility treatments

When you are suffering from fertility problems and in the middle of consulting a fertility expert to treat your infertility, you have numerous questions in your mind techwebmarketing. To educate and facilitate you in your fertility treatment journey, here are some common but important FAQs:

What is the right time to see a fertility expert or visit a pollaste?

As a couple, you should see a fertility specialist when your unprotected sex for more than a year do not help you conceive a child mmfilmes. You should try for more than 6 months if you (female partner) is above 35 and your spouse (husband) is above 40. Further, you must consult a fertility doctor if you have experienced two miscarriages in a row.

How common is infertility?

Infertility is a reproductive health issue that makes a couple unable to conceive a child naturally. As per the CDC, around 12 out of 100 American females experience difficulty in being pregnant or carrying their pregnancy. According to the WHO, the world has around 48 million couples and 186 million individuals have infertility.

Is infertility only a female reproductive health issue?

No. Infertility affects both males and females. Around 30% of fertility problems relate to females, approximately 30% relate to males, and the rest to unexplained causes, a mix of male and female reproductive health problems.

What causes infertility?

Many factors, from age to environment, affect fertility in men and women. Some common causes of infertility are as follows:

Endometriosis Uterine   fibroids Poor ovarian reserve

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) Ageing

Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes

Lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy foods, and lack of physical activity

Exposure to extreme heat, industrial chemicals Testicular blockage

Certain medical conditions like diabetes and cancer Genetic or hormonal imbalances


How is infertility diagnosed?

Diagnosis of infertility in men is different from the diagnosis of infertility in women. After interacting with both of you, the doctor will recommend suitable and needed tests to evaluate your fertility. For men, semen analysis reveals whether a male has infertility or not. For females, a respective doctor can recommend ovarian reserve testing, hormone testing, hysteroscopy, etc. to name a few.

What are fertility treatment options?

Fertility treatment options vary from one couple to another. Based on the held interaction and reports of the recommended tests, the doctor will recommend the most suitable treatment options. These options could include medicines, ART solutions (IVF, ICSI, IUI, etc.), surgeries, and a few lifestyle changes Tubidy.

Is fertility treatment expensive?

It can be or cannot be expensive for you based on your reproductive health issue and complexity of the advised treatment option. If it is expensive, you can make it affordable to you by creating a fertility fund or buying a health insurance plan that includes fertility treatments.


Infertility or fertility issues occur to both males and females. Having an idea when to visit a pollaste and allied queries of fertility treatment will help you make your fertility treatment journey more convenient for you.

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